I designed branding for the newsletter to signal uniqueness and attachment to AllSides' broader visual style.
This concept included a "featured story" to focus readers' attention, using copy our writers had already written.
I also included a "top stories" list to give readers a quick overview of content they could read.
Overall, feedback was positive, but I'm usually more interested in critiques. Here, I particularly noted feedback on the amount of text vs imagery for skim-ability.
Since feedback came in the form of somewhat aimless Slack messages, I had to pick out particular phrases that spoke to our goals.
We had four respondents, and each gave extensive, thoughtful feedback.
After getting feedback on my first iteration, I worked with the key stakeholder to refine the design to a point that was sufficient for launch. Some adjustments were made as the newsletter team got into the rhythm of publishing each week.
I learned to be more mindful of the attentional weight each line of text places on the reader. Coming from a social science background, my instinct is often to write as much as it takes to accurately convey my ideas. That instinct is ill-suited if I'm trying to design concise skimmable content.