I used Flourish to create a handful of interactive charts for an article analyzing web traffic data for the top 100 most popular news websites in the US.
Coworkers had collected the data, inspired by an article I wrote a couple years earlier on the topic. I learned Flourish from a coworker who had effectively implemented the data visualization platform in articles and other pages on the website.
I led the redesign process of a news website’s Facebook and Twitter profile banner images.
The lead stakeholder noticed that the banner images on the company’s Twitter and Facebook profiles were a bit outdated. She wanted new images created and was “down to experiment with this,” but required that the new design included two of the company’s slogans.
I researched competitive best practices and submitted a handful of options for the team to review. I then worked with various team members to iterate and come up with a solution the lead stakeholder was happy with.
I conducted a competitive analysis of other news platforms’ Twitter banners.
Key findings:
Since the company was fully remote, there were no photos to use for the “established media” approach. The best opportunities for emulation were tech-based platforms and brand/logo signifiers.
Established news organization highlights newsroom
Tech-savvy news organization highlights mobile presence
Web-native newsletter focuses on their brand
On mobile, Facebook overlapped the center of the banner image, necessitating a design change.
Updated Facebook banner